Monday, May 11, 2009

My terrible secret

I'll admit it, I have one, I'm not afraid anymore to tell people.
I have a Facebook profile. And I cringe every damn time I use it.
I've always looked down upon MySpace, Facebook, and I've missed out on what the big deal is it? Well whatever the kids call it. I don't use them much, only because I don't want to feel that my electronic self is actually much more interesting than I actually am. Which is a little lame for me. (I have thought about MySpace as a way to start off my amateur music career though, but I don't know if I'm ready to put myself out there.)
I had a 'moment' the other day. Those that make you sit back and think, wow. If only for a little while.
I'm an introvert, but I'm a very social creature as well. And on the morning train to Uni, unbeknownst to me, I sit with my back turned to a lady friend from school, and get lost in my iPod music. She's one of those that I can talk comfortably to, as in, I don't have to be careful about what I say to her = comfortable conversation.
Getting of the train, I notice her for the first time, she's 5 or so metres in front of me and chatting to some bloke. Now I could've caught up and said hi, and talked to her for the 10 minute walk to Uni, but I didn't and enjoyed my music and a slow walk; meet thy introverted self.
Now, hours later and at home, I think, 'Oh I should send her a note on her Facebook, saying I saw her at the train station', but that I actually DIDN'T talk to her.
That was the moment. I was going to tell her on an electronic forum that I saw her but didn't talk to her?
'Hey Jess, I saw you at the train station this morning! I was 5 metres behind you listening to my music! :D:D:D:D:D'
Hours after said incident? And why? Cos' I can prove that I'm a social, fun loving, out going person? And that I actually smile that much? I then went off at myself for being one of 'those' people and took a vow of no Facebook, only for a few days though cos' I do love to poke around in stranger's photo albums. God I do love to stalk.
It can be a great social networking site, I find that invites for birthday celebrations for example, is much more efficient than sending texts/mails. But to actually admit that I'm comfortable enough to talk to YOU on Facebook but not in person is the kicker. My long-standing thoughts on online social sites such as Facebook could go on for a long time, but I'm tired. I might add more in the future. Oh and as an add-on thought, I don't update my status to tell everyone what I'm eating/doing/thinking/feeling/humping/licking every damn minute of the damn day. Cos' honestly, why would I ever socialise with you if I know everything about you? Let's keep the magic please =).

And Emily Haines, marry me! I'll pick you flowers, honest.

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